Posted on: October 27, 2020
Make Everyday Work Conversations Effortless with Team Collaboration Software
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Communication is necessary to enhance integrity and establish trust within a team, whether working from home or within the office premises. Regarding remote operations, using the best team collaboration software is one of the pivotal parameters for a smooth workflow process.
Yes, remote work indeed comes with tons of perks, like a healthy work-life balance for employees. However, most of the remote workforce lacks this path regarding team communication.
Since teams are no longer just desks away, collaboration through any virtual platform becomes the cornerstone of that remote team’s success in managing your remote workforce.
And here comes the role or need for good team collaboration software. The first thing to remember while choosing a team communication tool is that all communication is encrypted for maximum protection; it is necessary to manage and monitor employees.
Besides data security, that tool should possess more than one communication medium. For instance, it simultaneously has platforms like live chat, video conference, and file/ report sharing columns. This helps a business to keep track of employee productivity.
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Remote Team Collaboration and Employee Engagement
Humans are social beings, and a normal on-site workplace is no different than other parts of our lives. This is why we need to connect and collaborate with others, whether to share a work strategy or conduct an employee engagement program.
Effective communication helps to feel every team member’ is included and aligned, which eventually can boost overall performance. Insights over workforce analytics prove very fruitful in this regard.
But with remote working conditions, since every member is working from a different location, keeping everyone on the same page is more important, and simultaneously doing so is a little bit harder.
To overcome this, team huddles are necessary. There should be a one-to-one and team-level conversation platform through a secure communication channel. Streamlining communication in hybrid teams helps share work strategies and enables employees to share feedback.
In fact, team collaboration can also be used to conduct virtual classrooms (L&D training) for your remote working team. The primary object of team collaboration should be that it should work as a boosting factor towards maintaining workforce integrity.
Its positive vibes, in turn, enhance productivity, employee engagement, and operational efficiency.
How Constructive Team Huddles Can Enhance Overall Productivity of Remote Contact Center Team
Under a traditional contact center, from management to agent level, it’s easy to draw employee management planning through team meetings and sessions. Contact centers must usually fulfill daily tasks, or their KPIs are mostly based on day-to-day work.
This is why employee monitoring software is essentially required over here. In fact, regular team collaboration is considered the first step to drawing daily strategies for fulfilling those KPIs.
From the daily distribution of tasks or reporting to scheduling and conducting training and (call-quality) feedback sessions, remote team collaboration is the cornerstone.
Traditionally, contact centers have two major two departments amongst other support staff:
- Operations
- Quality and Training
Now the dimensions and requirements of daily team collaboration are slightly different for both departments. These two dimensions shall be tracked by efficient time management techniques.
The Need for Team Collaboration in Operations
The Operation Team works as the front line for any customer support team. Hence, it works as the direct revenue-generating team as well. Every agent under a team leader needs regular updates on meeting KPIs for employee engagement. Agent performance monitoring is also necessary here.
This is why real-time team communication is crucial for a customer support team. Team-based and one-on-one communication between supervisors and agents helps understand every challenge. This helps to remove any sort of disruption arising in the workplace.
This workforce management tool helps focus on team-building tactics, identify and discuss customer experience (CX), improve areas, etc. This is just the tip of the iceberg.
And yes, communication for the Operations Team does not only reveal a one-way conversation from the team leader to the agents’ side. However, two-way communication is needed to redress any sort of employee burnout or grievances.
Brainstorming via secure team collaboration software helps to build integrity within the remote working customer support reps. So they can discuss and solicit their ideas, which enhances the entire organization’s operational efficiency.
The Need for Team Collaboration in Quality Management and Training
Every contact center has a dedicated quality management and training conducting team to get the desired expertise and quality while handling customers. Keeping track of an employee and track of time while he’s remotely engaged in training to evaluate his/her performance is often required.
The basic target of this team is to ensure that all customer support agents meet every pre-decided parameter of customer engagement. Training is when you can’t physically monitor employees, but screenshots and checks on websites help maintain the decorum.
And that’s why, like traditional brick-and-mortar call centers, sharing feedback or conducting training sessions should also be continued under remote operation. It helps to improve work efficiency while training, too.
Leapmax – Your Ultimate Solution to Remote Team Collaboration
Whether working from home or in-house operation, team collaboration is considered the first step to sustaining a workforce’s overall robustness and coherence.
As of 2020, there are numerous virtual team collaboration platforms. But sadly, there are very few that are specially designed to run team collaborations for a remote contact center.
Remote contact centers are slightly different because they deal with brand value and customers’ personal details or information directly. While dealing with such a sensitive matter, every team communication channel should ensure the highest level of data security.
What is more important here; the team collaboration software should work as an integrating factor for your remote operating contact center team. This is one of the significant purposes of an employee monitoring tool.
This will, in turn, enhance customer satisfaction, which is the final goal for any customer support team. Leapmax, as a remote team operating software, is dedicatedly designed to deal with this challenge.
As mentioned earlier, being an in-built feature, they come with data safety assurance from Leapmax. So, to make your remote team collaboration genuinely purposeful and secure, feel free to contact us!