Improve cyber security and compliance management for financial institutions

A Gartner, Inc. survey of 317 CFOs and finance leaders revealed that 74% of companies plan to shift to more remote work post-COVID-19 permanently in 2020.


As organizations continue to struggle with the ongoing business disruptions from COVID-19, remote work could complement cost-cutting measures that CFOs have already taken or plan to take. Remote work is a prime example of creative cost savings finance leaders are now seeking to ward off more severe cuts and minimize the downside impact to operations.

Managing a bank's remote workforce has it's share of challenges

Bandwidth Resilience

Banks and financial institutions require stable and rapid connectivity for their employees to stay connected with their applications and networks.

Technology Infrastructure

Remote work needs massive infrastructure capacity plus additional solutions like VPN tunnels and configured systems to augment data protection.

Real-Time Operations

Non-timely action may be disastrous in connecting remote systems with workflows requiring physical transactions and a customer-friendly environment.

Information Security

Storing valuable information about clients on home-based networks can be vulnerable to security breaches and might fall into the wrong hands.

Collaboration Interruption

Prompt communication infrastructure is crucial in banking and requires appropriate collaboration tools and networks.

Detailed Reports

Financial services are synonymous with lengthy and comprehensive client data that needs to be clutter-free and easy to curate.

Training Needs

Remote operation teams expect more practical information and training to fill the knowledge gaps in providing services.

How can Leapmax simplify remote workforce management

Most financial institutions recognize that technology and society have evolved to make remote work more viable for a wider variety of positions than ever before. CFOs, already under pressure to tightly manage costs, clearly see an opportunity for a remote workforce's cost benefits.

Amplify Productivity

Identify inefficiencies through visually represented workflows while creating a coachable environment for employees to improve.

Usage Analytics

Generate activity logs and review reports for data breach incidents, rule violations, employees spending time and treating sensitive data.

Automated Time-sheets

Capture relevant information about employee working hours, productive or sitting idle, login, and break schedules on a single unified dashboard.

Data Integrity

Assure enabling record-keeping data that is never altered or destroyed in any unauthorized way.

Instant Alerts

Proactive and real-time notifications to deter potential security attacks or previously occurred incidents with exact details of the event.

User Activity Monitoring

Be aware of the apps and websites used by employees, their frequency to utilize them, and the time they spent idling or on non-work-related activities.

Compliance Mandates

A consolidated view of network activities and screenshots based on compliance audits to ensure streamlined operations.

Why choose Leapmax?

Simplify remote work across your company with our solution's powerful capabilities and ensure the productivity, security, and efficient management of a remote workforce from a single AI-enabled integrated platform.

Employee Productivity

Time tracking

Mobile & Desktop Screenshots

Video Conferencing

Apps & Website Usage Tracking

Team Collaboration

Learning & Knowledge Management Tools

Mobile App for Agents & Supervisors

Keep your customers close. Keep your employees closer.

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Connecting your business in a remote world

At Leapmax, we design, develop, and deliver intelligent, secure, and scalable enterprise-level remote workforce management solutions for major industries.


Contact Center




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