Reassess critical hybrid work strategies in the light of the ongoing health crisis

According to Deloitte, 78% of the employees reported their employer was planning to or has already introduced novel ways of working since remote work has become a norm.


Remote work battles are likely to persist as constant lockdowns, self-imposed isolations and quarantines have pushed millions around the world to work from home while taking care of their health. Technology has accelerated the potential of businesses to implement remote work that had struggled to come into complete existence before the pandemic hit.

Delivery of care versus unsustainability and lower-quality outputs

Data Security

Transitioning to an office-remote hybrid model can be vulnerable to sensitive patient information. Such leakage demands best practices for data security and cyber emergency preparations.

Governance Compliances

Certain safety protocols are necessary to configure the third-party tools having access to crucial life-science information. Have tighter security and additional assistance from monitoring providers.

Unauthorized Activity

Compliance breaches can happen because of insider threats or disallowed access from barred users. This needs detailed analytics-based visibility and constant tracking.

Operational Analysis

Day-to-day executions can be affected by network inconsistency and malicious activities, needing prominent scanning, testing, and patching to deter potential threats.

Upskilling Remote HCPs

Continually training remote health care professionals (HCPs) regarding ever-evolving medical innovations and life-saving researches entails a seamless model of self-learning and digital engagement.

Administrative Tasks

Managing regulatory measures remotely like scheduling patient time-sheets, monetary requirements, and medications take extra effort in streamlining workflow and efficiency.

Device Authenticity

Compared to the office provided devices, personal devices pose a serious risk to privacy and security encouraging malicious attacks

Foster virtual approach to the future of shared work goals

Organizations should operate in an uncertain future where a hybrid work model comes to the rescue whenever face with unbeatable challenges. There is no set agenda of how pharmaceutical companies or healthcare organizations will thrive in the remote environment but encouraging innovative thinking without compromising on quality or safety is the need of the hour.

Work Flexibility

Produce, analyze and create with no boundaries in working hours, rather than being stick to the conventional norms of completing assigned tasks.

Virtual Mentoring

Make critical assessments and store data privacy details with easy to implement configurations and cease every possibility of sensitive data leakage.

Remote Training Tools

Implementation of adequate and effective AI-enabled tools that can train the remote workforce is constantly transforming life-science experiments and researches.

Network Patching

Maintain and improve remote security essentials with proactive assistance and corrective action plan to mitigate the data risks.

Proactive Notifications

Detailed alerts and updates on data confidentiality ensuring the information are never altered or destroyed in any way; deterring unauthorized access from users.

Compliance Auditing

Produce analytics-based activity logs informing supervisors to closely monitor and see where the team is spending time and treating sensitive information.

Productivity Encouragement

Make employees learn about how they are being monitored while tracking their login hours and working schedules.

Why choose Leapmax?

Simplify remote work across your company with our solution's powerful capabilities and ensure the productivity, security, and efficient management of a remote workforce from a single AI-enabled integrated platform.

Employee Productivity

Time tracking

Mobile & Desktop Screenshots

Video Conferencing

Apps & Website Usage Tracking

Team Collaboration

Learning & Knowledge Management Tools

Mobile App for Agents & Supervisors

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At Leapmax, we design, develop, and deliver intelligent, secure, and scalable enterprise-level remote workforce management solutions for major industries.





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